FirefoxOS Dev Quick Start
By jet
I’m posting the steps I took to create the FirefoxOS dev environment for the Flame device. We use the Flame as our reference device on the Platform Rendering team. I had to re-do this recently on a new computer and I figure this might help others in the same boat. These steps assume you can already build the desktop version of Firefox on your computer.
- Get ADB
- Turn on ADB debugging on your device.
- Download the latest base image ( at the time of this writing.)
- Unzip the base image archive and run the script to update your phone to the latest base image. You’ll need to re-enable ADB debugging after this step.
- Clone the B2G repository and follow the prerequisite steps for local builds.
Note: the device we target for the step is flame-kk (not the older flame device.) - Get a coffee and wait for the long source download.
- Run ./ in the B2G source directory to build.
- Run ./ in the B2G source directory to put your new build on to your phone.